'Last night we had a group of 11 people arrive who will continue their travels on to Germany. One of the first things our guests asked was whether we have Wi-fi.
Of course, we have the password set to provoke questions....the password is John3.16.
Yesterday during dinner, one of the boys asked about the password I gave them; I asked if he knew what it was?
One of the brothers explained that it was a passage from John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life."
I gave one of the women a New Testament in Ukrainian, and asked her to read it. After a while everyone had tears in their eyes.
And so a non-believer preached to non-believers.... Praise be to God.
We help many people, but we do not forget that first of all we serve our Lord Jesus Christ. We share His Word and entrust the whole situation into His hands.'