EMF Webinars

Online interactive seminars presenting
the work of the gospel in Europe

How we run our Webinars

Zoom conferencing
We use Zoom Conferencing to run our webinars. This is very simple to use - you don't need an account, but you will need to download the Zoom Meeting App. This is available for Mac or Windows PC, for Tablets and Smartphones.
Gospel Focus: Hungarian-speaking ministries
February 10, 2025
7:30 pm
Main Speaker:
Sándor Keleman, István Salánki, Scott Moore
Europe Needs the Gospel
This webinar follows on from the Feb 2024 Vision magazine, which highlights our Hungarian-speaking missionaries and the work in which they are involved, and goes into more detail with two of those workers.

In this webinar, we delve a little deeper into the ministries of two of our Hungarian-speaking missionaries: the work that Sándor Keleman does with the Roma community, and István Salánki's mission outpost in London. We hear about their heart for the work that they are involved in, the encouragements and challenges that they have experienced, and how they would like us to pray for them.

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Registration is NOT required for this Seminar
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Webinar Video Recording (when available)
An EMF evening of Christmas messages and music
December 9, 2024
7:30 pm
Main Speaker:
Special Webinars
Those of you who join us regularly will know that we usually have a webinar in early December. This year we’re going to try something new, and so we’re inviting you to "An EMF evening of Christmas messages and music". We’re excited about bringing together a programme that will involve many from our EMF family, and will be a really special time of celebrating the birth of Jesus in a very European way!
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Registration is NOT required for this Seminar
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Webinar Video Recording (when available)
War of the Worldviews
September 9, 2024
7:30 pm
Main Speaker:
Dr Sharon James
Europe Needs the Gospel
How do we stand, and teach others to stand, in the face of the opposing worldviews that increasingly surround us?

Christians in the UK are living in increasingly hostile times.  Many of our friends and colleagues across Europe have already been experiencing this for years, even decades, in different ways – secularism, orthodoxy, suspicion.  An ideology is gaining ground that sees Christianity as bigoted and oppressive. There is pressure to tone down calls to repentance. Preachers who warn of sin and judgement may find themselves accused of ‘hate speech’ or even ‘spiritual abuse’.  How do we stand, and how do we teach others (our children, young people, our church members, new believers) how to stand with confidence in the face of the worldviews that increasingly surround us?

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Registration is NOT required for this Seminar
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Webinar Video Recording (when available)
Women on a Mission
June 3, 2024
7:30 pm
Main Speaker:
Stella Lopes, Pilar Herrera, Viki Topaloglou
Europe needs the Gospel
In this webinar, we hear from 3 women who are EMF missionaries, and all married to pastors, and we want to explore their focus, motivation and work - its challenges and encouragements.

You're probably used to hearing more about the men in our mission than about their wives. But we are immensely proud of each woman in the EMF missionary family.

They are truly ‘women on a mission’, since each one of them plays a vital part in the quest to reach people with the gospel. We’d love to introduce all of them to you in this webinar, but we had to pick just three.

Come and hear the passion in the voices of each woman as she speaks of her calling in the Lord’s work; expect to be encouraged,  and challenged as to how you can share the gospel where you live.

Pilar Herrera
Ciudad Real, Spain
Stella Lopes
Margem Sul, Lisbon, Portugal
Viki Topaloglou
Thessaloniki, Greece

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Registration is NOT required for this Seminar
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Webinar Video Recording (when available)
Planting Churches in Portugal
April 8, 2024
7:30 pm
Main Speaker:
Diego Lopes, Paulo Carvalho,Rafael Ribas
Europe Needs the Gospel
According to some recent reports, the vision for planting new gospel churches is greater in Portugal than in many other European countries, with an encouraging number of evangelical churches there either thinking and praying about planting new churches or already doing it. A number of our EMF missionaries in Portugal have been involved in church plants in recent years, and some of them are planting new churches at the moment. What are the challenges? How do you go about planting a new church in Portugal? What encouragements have there been?

 The aims of the webinar are:

  1. To share with people some of the challenges and encouragements of gospel work in Portugal today;
  2. To encourage people to pray with greater understanding for the progress of the gospel in Portugal;
  3. To highlight the importance of planting new churches as a biblical and effective strategy for gospel growth.
Diego Lopes
Pastor & church planter,
Margem Sul, Lisbon
Paulo Carvalho
Church planter, Coimbra
Rafael Ribas
Pastor & church planter,Portimão

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Registration is NOT required for this Seminar
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Webinar Video Recording (when available)