EMF Seminars


Europe Needs the Gospel

Planting Churches in Portugal

April 8, 2024
7:30 pm
Main Speaker:
Diego Lopes, Paulo Carvalho,Rafael Ribas
Europe Needs the Gospel
According to some recent reports, the vision for planting new gospel churches is greater in Portugal than in many other European countries, with an encouraging number of evangelical churches there either thinking and praying about planting new churches or already doing it. A number of our EMF missionaries in Portugal have been involved in church plants in recent years, and some of them are planting new churches at the moment. What are the challenges? How do you go about planting a new church in Portugal? What encouragements have there been?

 The aims of the webinar are:

  1. To share with people some of the challenges and encouragements of gospel work in Portugal today;
  2. To encourage people to pray with greater understanding for the progress of the gospel in Portugal;
  3. To highlight the importance of planting new churches as a biblical and effective strategy for gospel growth.
Diego Lopes
Pastor & church planter,
Margem Sul, Lisbon
Paulo Carvalho
Church planter, Coimbra
Rafael Ribas
Pastor & church planter,Portimão

Registration is required for this Seminar
Registration is NOT required for this Seminar
Zoom Meeting ID:
Click here to register345 755 8772
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Webinar Video Recording (when available)
Missionaries and EMF workers involved
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Diego and Stella Lopes
Diego is pastor of a young church in Margem Sul, Seixal, south of Lisbon. He is also a founding member of the Martin Bucer Seminary in Portugal. Diego is married to Stella.
Paulo and Patrícia Carvalho
Paulo Carvalho and his wife Patrícia serve in a church plant in Coimbra, in the central region of Portugal.
Rafael and Lidiane Ribas
Rafael Ribas and his wife Lidiane serve in a church plant in Portimão, in Southern Portugal

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Zoom conferencing
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