Luis is the pastor of the evangelical church in Ciudad Real. Luis is married to Pilar
Luis and Pilar were both brought up in Roman Catholic families in Ciudad Real, central Spain. As teenagers, they came into contact with Christian believers and were challenged by the message of the Gospel, and then converted. Getting involved in the Evangelical church in the town, Luis felt the Lord call him to full-time ministry. The church supported him, and in the early 1980s Luis and Pilar both studied with EMF.
The couple returned to Spain, married, and now have two daughters: Rebecca and Deborah.
In 1986 they planted a church in Cuenca. The early days were difficult, but they saw many people converted, and Luis continued as pastor for nineteen years. In 2005, Luis accepted a call to pastor a church in Ciudad Real, though he also pastored at Cuenca until the summer of 2006.
The church in Ciudad Real has seen growth in numbers, and spiritually. Its meeting place is now too small. A new venture for the church is to televise services for the local hospital. The Lord also uses their website, especially video recordings of sermons, and a charitable work of the church called “Hands Stretched Out”. The church continues to do evangelism in the street and through personal contact.
Several people in the fellowship preach regularly in other churches that are without a pastor.