Evair and his wife Fiona are serving in the Evangelical Church of Alcázar de San Juan, in the La Mancha region of central Spain.
Evair is Peruvian and grew up in a nominal Catholic environment; Fiona is British and from an early age she was exposed to the gospel as her mother had embraced faith in Jesus Christ. She affirmed her profession of faith when she was 22 years old; while Evair, through the influence of his paternal grandmother, came to experience salvation when he was 19 years old while he was reading the Gospel of John.
At the age of 20, Evair began his studies in theology. He studied three and a half years at the Biblical Seminary in his city, Iquitos. In 2010 he went to study full-time at a Reformed Seminary in the Dominican Republic. In 2014, in Lima, Evair was working with the British missionary David Barnes in a Theological Seminary. At first he divided his work between administration and theological teaching, later he devoted himself solely to teaching. Since 2020 Evair was more involved in the work of the local Church.
Evair and Fiona met in Peru when Fiona went to do missionary work. She had experience serving in other contexts, as she was twice in Kenya and once in South Africa. They got engaged in Peru in 2017, and that same year, after Evair had the opportunity to serve and receive training for a few months at Carey Baptist Church in Reading, they were married in Fiona's home city of Worcester. Weeks later they went to live in Peru and were there for five years.
While Evair was receiving training at Carey Baptist Church he went to visit the IBSTE Seminary in Barcelona. That was his first contact with the Church in Spain. It was inevitable not to make a comparison between his country of Peru and Spain, since the number of evangelicals in Spain was less than 2%. So, Evair was moved by God to look at the need in Spain for the preaching of the Gospel and to help strengthen the local Churches.
In 2022 God arranged that the Evangelical Church of Alcázar de San Juan be the place where they would serve. Evair and Fiona began their missionary work in Spain in September 2023. The work involves preaching and teaching of the Scriptures; personal evangelism in the streets and squares of the area; Bible studies in the town jail; preaching once or twice a month in churches where there are no pastors; leading or starting Bible studies in the surrounding towns; service and discipleship to young people; as well as other activities.
Please pray:
· That they adapt well to living and serving in Spain.
· For conversions in the town, as well as for growth and maturity of the Church.
· That God may create in them a spirit of service and humility in everything they do.