A group of orphans and their carers have been staying in the church in Pericei, Romania, where Pál and Anna Borzási, alongside their church members, are offering hospitality and care.

These are some photos of this group (their faces deleted, for privacy reasons). They had travelled from war-ravaged Eastern Ukraine right across the country in the van shown, and arrived exhausted, but immensely happy to be in a warm, safe home, complete with hugs, hot nourishing food, and a clean bed.
On a Sunday night, after the arrival of these precious little guests, with all the preparation that that entailed, Anna had not finished her day’s work. She sent an urgent message asking us to pray for a very desperate elderly lady, who had travelled hundreds of miles across Ukraine, and had arrived at last in Hungary, but wasn’t allowed into Romania to be reunited with her son (a guest in the Borzási’s home/church). Many late-night phone calls were made, and at least this woman(her name is Rita) found a bed for the night, and at last arrived at the Borzási family home two days later. The very young refugees, the very old refugees … they all have tragic tales to tell. And the people who are opening wide their arms, their homes, their hearts, need care and prayer too.