The EMF HQ team has changed and expanded a little recently,and with most of us working remotely, it was decided that we needed to have a team retreat to meet each other and some of the trustees, and to have some face-to-face meetings. So, early in July, off we all trundled for 24 hours in the hometown of EMF director Andrew Birch – Northampton.
Now, lest you think that a “retreat” normally involves essential oils, cucumber water, and a lot of naps, let me explain.
We all arrived at a Christian conference centre on the outskirts of Northampton in time for lunch on a Tuesday. First on the agenda was a healthy, bracing walk around a local reservoir. Reader, it was pouring, so we sat in the coffee shop for a couple of hours. But it was a BEAUTIFUL reservoir, even in the rain, and a very nice coffee shop, so there were no complaints.

The rest of our time was spent at the conference centre, in a variety of meetings on a variety of topics, or being extremely well fed in the dining room.
The most special time for me was Tuesday evening, when we sang together, then all shared a little about our lives, families, and Christian journeys. We learned so much about each other in that time, the good and the difficult – the kind of things that you might chat about in a physical office, at the water cooler or across a lunch table, but that don’t generally come up in a Zoom call. This can only help us as we work together.
We also found out some very very interesting (and thus far little-known) facts about each other. Here’s a fun task – guess which staff member can claim the following:
· Has driven an army tank
· Had thieving tendencies when younger
· Is descended from the man who gave the English language the word boycott (Charles Cunningham Boycott)
· Was once almost deported from Canada
· Released a music cassette with his brothers
We left at lunchtime on Wednesday, to scatter back across the UK. Just 24 hours spent together, but well spent. We brainstormed and planned, drank too much coffee and ate cream eggs from the little shop in the conference centre. We talked, and laughed, and prayed, and shared. We bonded in a way that is very difficult (if not impossible) to replicate over screens. We may not have had a 12 hour sleep, or lounged around in a steam room, but nevertheless we left feeling refreshed in this work that we seek to do together for the Lord. We value your prayers for us as we settle into team-life.
May the favour of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us – yes, establish the work of our hands. Ps. 90:17
PS The person who has driven a tank is Communications Lead Sarah Bassett, who was on an assignment for the BBC in her former job as journalist.