'I've taken part in two EMF study days organised by London Seminary.
Quite apart from the stimulation of the seminars themselves, I experienced a number of other benefits: the opportunity to interact with EMF colleagues and fellow workers and get to know them a little better; a chance to switch off briefly from the concerns of the work in Belgium; and a brief encounter with the lecturers' pet dogs!
The first study day was held in January and led by DrGarry Williams.
His theme was 'Preaching the God-Man'. Dr Williams gave us an excellent historical survey of the studies of the Scriptures on the Person of Christ. He stressed the need to consider the fruit of 2000 years of Scripture exposition on this vital subject in order to preach and present a balanced view of Christ as He is found in the Scriptures. The day wasi ntellectually stimulating, spiritually refreshing, and thoroughly heart-warming.
The second study day in March was led by Dr Neil Martin.'The Rhythm of Salvation' was the title of the study, but perhaps Christ in all the Scriptures would have been an equally suitable title. The day was tinged with a little sadness, as EMF colleagues from Ukraine were unable to attend for obvious reasons. Dr Martin gave us a brilliant survey of God's plan of redemption in all the Scriptures and the place of Christ in both the Old and New Testament.'
Michael has obviously already enjoyed the first part of a plan to help our workers on the field to receive ongoing instruction and edification. All of those who have taken part so far testify to the usefulness of these study days, and we are thrilled that London Seminary has agreed to set aside this time for our (now-very-appreciative!)missionaries.