Dear friends,
On behalf of EMF, I'm delighted to be able to announce that the new EMF Mission Director is to be Rev. Scott Moore.
Scott is from Northern Ireland, married to Lorna, and a minister in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Scott and Lorna have a real passion for mission, and they've both been very involved in supporting gospel work in Europe for quite some years. They are long-standing supporters of the work of EMF, and Scott is a member of the EMF Northern Ireland Council.
I'm really looking forward to working closely with Scott as he takes up his new role (in the New Year), and as I transition to my new position as EMF Field Director.
We would appreciate your ongoing prayers for us all, that we would grow in faithfulness to the Lord, and that, with the Lord's help, we would work together for his glory through the spreading of the wonderful gospel of Christ, for the salvation of lost people and for the building of Christ's Church all over our needy continent.
Thank you for all your interest and support,