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The Gospel in the Centre project


Just over one year ago a website was launched by the leaders of the evangelical church in Siedlce, Poland – Ben Layer (American missionary), Jan Stefanoff (church elder) and Adam Urban (EMF missionary). Its purpose is to supply trustworthy biblical teaching in the Polish language which exalts the glory and grace of God and equips the church for Christian discipleship and gospel outreach.

These are the three main people invovled in the project - Jan Stefanoff (left), Adam Urban (middle), and Ben Layer (right)

The website is called ‘The Gospel in the Centre’ and can be found here: .

So why is such a resource required? Well, Christians in Poland are in great need. In a country of 38 million people, there are fewer than 600 evangelical churches, the majority of which tend to be decidedly charismatic, and there are very few trustworthy resources available to help the church. This means that there is an ongoing susceptibility of Christians falling prey to the prosperity gospel, the word of faith movement and other forms of shallow, unhealthy theology. Put simply, in Poland there is an enormous need for theologically sound and culturally relevant materials and resources.

The website contains articles from Charles Spurgeon, AW Pink, Mark Dever, DA Carson, John Piper, Paul Tripp, Kevin DeYoung, Stephen Nichols, David Mathis, Thomas Schreiner, and others, with every resource translated into the Polish language. The two largest video curricula are “The God Who is There” by DA Carson and “9 Marks of a Healthy Church.” Two weekly podcasts are also being published - “Ask Pastor John” and “New Morning Mercies” by Paul Tripp. Desiring God, Crossway, and 9Marks ministries have offered lots of support enabling nearly 100 articles to be published in Polish.

In total, since February 2020, 215 different resources have been published with new content coming out on average four times a week. We now have almost 2,500 followers on Facebook and over 15,600 people used the website in its first year!

The feedback being received is also very encouraging. Here is one recent example:

“Thankyou for the effort and work in creating the gospel in the centre website. I’m not fluent in English myself so reading these edifying articles in Polish is a great joy for me. I know that this is a lot of work, so I just wanted to say thank you…”

It is clear that God has richly blessed this initiative since its commencement, and we are excited to see what is in store for the future. One of the next major developments will be adding Polish authors who are faithful Bible teachers to the American and British authors already on the website. An Expository Preaching curriculum from the Proclamation Trust will also be included in the coming months.

If you would like to learn more about the excellent work being carried out by the evangelical church in Siedlce please let us know.

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