Tobias and Julie Haslund-Thomsen

Tobias and Julie Haslund-Thomsen

Tobias is 30 years old and from Aalborg in the northern part of Denmark. He is married to Julie and together they have two small children. Tobias leads a church plant in the city of Aarhus.

Tobias grew up in a Christian family in a very charismatic church. At the age of 12 he came to faith and as he pursued God and His Word in his teens, he was eventually led to a reformed theological conviction. In 2014 Tobias started studying medicine to become a doctor, but was called to ministry. This resulted in him leaving medicine to pursue theological studies from 2015-2021 where he obtained his master's degree from Aarhus University. Besides studying theology he also underwent pastoral training in his local church, and the church eventually took him on as one of its pastors.    

In the summer of 2021 Tobias moved from the church in Aalborg to Aarhus (the second largest city in Denmark) to take on a church plant called ‘Haven Aarhus’ where he is still serving as the pastor.  

Denmark is an extremely secular country, and that tendency is even stronger in big cities like Aarhus. However, the need for the gospel and the potential for church planting is great as well. Tobias wants to plant and establish a strong, healthy, and biblical local church in Aarhus.

Besides pastoring a local church, Tobias is preaching and teaching throughout Denmark at local churches, bible schools, conferences etc. He is also a council member for The Gospel Coalition Nordic.

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Meet our Missionaries: Tobias and Julie Haslund-Thomsen

June 19, 2023
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Meet Tobias - one of our newest missionaries based in Aarhus, Denmark
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Lighting Up the Darkness initiative: An update after one year

January 26, 2023
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In January 2022, we launched our Lighting the Darkness initiative, and we wanted to give an update on what has happened over the last year.
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