Garry Williams, Davy Ellison, José Moreno Berrocal
Europe Needs the Gospel
'If the doctrine of predestination is true, and if God has already decided who's going to be saved and who's not, then why pray, why evangelise, why bother?' That's what a lot of Christians think. But the clear teaching of the Bible, a right understanding of 'reformed theology', and 2,000 years of church history give the lie to those common caricatures of Calvinism.
The aims of the webinar are:
To help us to understand why a lot of Christians believe that Calvinism kills mission;
To demonstrate—from the Bible, from good theology, and from church history—why Christians who believe that are wrong;
To encourage us to renew our commitment both to 'reformed theology' and to the Church's great mission.
Garry Williams London Seminary
Davy Ellison Irish Baptist College
José Moreno Berrocal EMF Missionary in Alcazar de San Juan
José (known as Pepe) pastors the evangelical church in Alcázar. He is married to Virtudes.
How we run our Webinars
We use Zoom Conferencing to run our webinars. This is very simple to use - you don't need an account, but you will need to download the Zoom Meeting App. This is available for Mac or Windows PC, for Tablets and Smartphones. You can even join by simple telephone.