EMF Seminars


Europe Needs the Gospel

The Gospel in the Balkans

September 11, 2023
7:30 pm
Main Speaker:
[Names removed for security reasons]
Europe Needs the Gospel
In almost every period of history, the Balkan region seems to have witnessed great trouble and unrest, and in the 20th Century no part of Europe suffered more tribulation than this region. Many countries in the region are very religious, but from the viewpoint of Bible-believing Christianity, the Balkans must be considered to be the hardest region in Europe. In 8 out of the 11 Balkan countries, there are fewer than 1% evangelical Christians. But in the last 20-30 years there have been dramatic changes, and opportunities for the gospel.

 The aims of the webinar are:

  1. To introduce us to some of the Balkan countries – their geography, history, culture, distinctive characteristics, etc.
  2. To paint for us a picture of some of the Balkan countries from a spiritual and gospel perspective.
  3. To help us to understand the spiritual situation in some of the Balkan countries, so that we pray more (and better) for the Balkan peoples, and do more to support faithful gospel work throughout the Balkan region.

Please note: We have removed the recording and details of people involved for security reasons

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Zoom Meeting ID:
Click here to register345 755 8772
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Webinar Video Recording (when available)
Missionaries and EMF workers involved
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