EMF Seminars


Europe Needs the Gospel

The Training of Gospel Workers in Europe

December 4, 2023
7:30 pm
Main Speaker:
Bill James, Clive Bowsher, Diego Lopes, Pál Borzasi
Europe Needs the Gospel
Europe needs thousands more gospel workers! How and where are they going to get the training that they will almost certainly need? And in today's increasingly online world, what are the pros and cons of online training?

Training is an important biblical concept, whether that's in the home, in the Christian life in general, or in the church.

The Lord Jesus Christ urged his first followers to pray for more gospel workers. Most of tomorrow's gospel workers will need training. That training may well take place at a seminary or Bible college, but it may be online or local church based.


 The aims of the webinar are:

  1. To explore the vital role of appropriate training for today's (and tomorrow's) gospel workers (pastors, church planters, etc.);
  2. To give an overview of some of the many training opportunities on offer today, and to weigh their relative strengths and weaknesses;
  3. To encourage Christians and churches to understand the importance of training for gospel workers and to support that training with their prayers and financial help, etc
Bill James
Principal of London Seminary
Clive Bowsher
Provost of Union School of Theology
Diego Lopes
Pastor & Executive Coordinator of Martin Bucer Seminary in Lisbon
Pál Borzasi
Pastor & lecturer at the Hungarian Baptist Seminary in Oradea
Registration is required for this Seminar
Registration is NOT required for this Seminar
Zoom Meeting ID:
Click here to register345 755 8772
(Click on link, or enter meeting ID into Zoom app)
Webinar Video Recording (when available)
Missionaries and EMF workers involved
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Pál and Anna Borzási
Pál is pastor of the Hungarian Baptist Church at Pericei, in the region of Transylvania. Pál is married to Anna and they have four children.
Diego and Stella Lopes
Diego is pastor of a young church in Margem Sul, Seixal, south of Lisbon. He is also a founding member of the Martin Bucer Seminary in Portugal. Diego is married to Stella.

How we run our Webinars

Zoom conferencing
We use Zoom Conferencing to run our webinars. This is very simple to use - you don't need an account, but you will need to download the Zoom Meeting App. This is available for Mac or Windows PC, for Tablets and Smartphones. You can even join by simple telephone.