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Books in Partnership


It’s a happy photo – EMF missionary Krzysztof Rutkowski holding the latest book translated into Polish by publishing house Legatio. The book in question: Grow in Grace by Sinclair Ferguson. A great addition to the library of many Polish-speaking pastors and believers.

But there’s a story behind this picture.

The translation and publishing of this book was sponsored by a church in Northern Ireland, under a special project.

Last autumn, the Clerk of Session* of Connor Presbyterian Church, Mervyn Johnston, felt a real burden for Krzysztof’s translation and publishing ministry, and brought an idea to his fellow elders.  He wanted them, as a Kirk Session*, to do something very tangible by means of support.

So they agreed to a book sponsorship project.  It wasn’t to be a whole-church project, but a Kirk Session one, and it would have two aims:

1. To bind the elders closer together in a common gospel-centred purpose

2. To set an example for the congregation in terms of giving and mission support.

The elders were encouraged to give sacrificially, and together they raised £3270 to publish Grow in Grace in Polish.  

Their prayer was that this book would be of real benefit in Poland – and also in Connor.  So alongside their project, they also gave every family in Connor PC a copy of the book, and used it as the basis for a series of Sunday evening sermons.  

Rev. Philip Thompson, minister of Connor Presbyterian, says this: ‘We are delighted and excited that the project has got to this point, and we are praying for Krzysztof as he continues this valuable ministry’.

What a wonderful commitment these elders made, and what an example they have given, by partnering with Legatio in this way.  

On a separate note: for Krzysztof, this book is particularly special, as it was the last to be translated by Elżbieta Modnicka – a retired EMF missionary who was a key part of Legatio’s work for many years.  She went to be with the Lord in October 2024.  He writes: ‘It’s nice to think that although she is no longer among us, her contributions to publishing still affect those on this side of eternity’.

Could you sponsor a book? If you are interested in exploring this option with one of the three publishing houses connected to EMF (in Poland, Spain and Italy), do get in touch with us.


*In many Presbyterian circles, the elders are known collectively as the Kirk Session.  The secretary of the Kirk Session is called the Clerk of Session.

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