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In Prison With Them


The task of evangelising every creature has as a logical consequence to do just that; that is, we have a responsibility to share the Gospel with all people without distinction, whether man or woman, child or adult, whatever their nationality, and whatever their status in society. Therefore, it is vitally important to seek ways and means to make this happen, otherwise people would be excluded from the privilege of hearing that King Jesus, in his pure grace, is giving forgiveness to all repentant offenders who require this grace (Mark 1:15). Because of this, the Evangelical Church in Alcázar de San Juan has among its priorities to bring the gospel to people who are in prison.

For more than 30 years this ministry has been going on. And every Wednesday at 17:30, for an hour and a half, we have the opportunity to enter this prison to share the gospel with anyone who voluntarily wishes to attend our meeting. The average attendance varies from week to week: sometimes there are only a few participants, two or three people, and other times it can be more than ten people. The prison in Alcázar de San Juan is small. By 2023 the prison population was just over 90 people.


Entering this prison is not as intimidating as some might imagine, because through regular attendance, you gradually get to know the members of the prison's custodial staff. From the first security gate to the last one you cross to finally reach the main yard, you get to have small talks and greetings with each of the guards, who also learn your name and your nickname (‘the evangelical pastor’), which is a good testimony of the gospel for them as well. However, even if you have a good relationship with the guards and with the prisoners, it is important not to forget that the place where we enter every week is a prison, and for this reason, both Pastor Pepe (José Moreno) and I have life insurance. 


Once inside the prison, we go to the room where the Bible study takes place. At the meeting we pray for the requests they have, sing a hymn they have been taught, and then we begin to teach the scriptures. Each week the feelings of each prisoner can vary; for not only do they have burdens because of crimes committed, or not having freedom; they also have burdens because they are limited in seeing their families, not being able to provide for them, or not being able to be near them to give emotional support. Those who are believers bear the pressure better than those who are not, but sometimes the believers also suffer. Of those who attend, we are confident to say that two show signs of being true believers, and the others have varying amounts of interest in the gospel; but only God knows the hearts of each.


Prison ministry can easily be forgotten – living in a comfortable and safe environment makes it easier to pass over those ministries that are neither comfortable nor safe. However, Scripture teaches us that we must be intentional in our practical care for those who are marginalised, and for those who are in prison ‘as though we were in prison with them’ (Hebrews13:3). May God continue to give grace that doors may be opened among the various authorities, and that more people may come to know of the gospel and be converted.

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