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Radio Outreach in Almuñécar


Manuel López Franco and the church in Almuñécar, Spain, are about to renew their radio outreach project. This is just one of their evangelistic initiatives, but since COVID-19 it has become a key ministry.

Each day six gospel messages lasting one minute twenty seconds are broadcast by three different radio stations. Producing these short messages takes a lot of skill and effort – they must be engaging, relevant and succinct. However, it is definitely worth it. The broadcasts cover not just the Almuñécar area but other surrounding towns and cities. Each of the radio stations used are commercial meaning the messages will be heard by lots of listeners. In all they have the potential to reach over 150,000 people!

This then, is an important means for helping the small church have a public presence in their community. It also enables them to announce other activities such as their food distribution project etc. But of course, the ultimate aim is to share the good news of the gospel and see men and women trusting Christ for salvation. Encouragingly, a few years ago a Brazilian family joined the church, and more recently a new person has started attending the services - all as a direct result of the radio outreach.

Prayer Points

·        Pray for Manuel (and others in the church) as they seek to create clear, concise and interesting messages.

·        Pray that the necessary finances will be secured to enable the project to continue.

·        Pray that God will bless this ministry so that many people from Almuñécar and the surrounding area will put their trust in Christ.