The week started off a little uncertainly; only one boy came to play football the very first morning. But by the end of the week there were forty-five kids taking part in football and crafts on the beach. A highlight for me was our evening sessions; for those who wanted to, they could take part in the football tournament which went on all week. These games got very competitive, but it was such a great opportunity to get to know the kids and their personalities really well, and through these competitions we worked on our Spanish skills. At the very end of the week we had the opportunity to give out a New Testament to all of the children who attended.
One of our big encouragements was Manuel and Alba. In particular I really enjoyed the car journeys with Manuel. On these journeys we had the opportunity to ask questions about life and ministry in Almuñécar. Manuel would share lots of stories about the highs and lows that they have experienced over their time in the region. We had similar conversations with Alba around the dinner table. These were really sweet times conversing that we all as a team are very thankful for.
The second encouragement for me was getting to know members of the church. On our final Sunday we got to head to a river and have a picnic with lots of people from the church. Again, this was a very special time getting to share food and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ whom we’d just met.
For me, meeting Christians from across the world is such a helpful thing. I think sometimes we can become apathetic towards the global church. Going on a team like this reorientates your thoughts, because you meet real people, in real situations (not dissimilar to our own), who are being really faithful servants. This was especially helpful for our team because Manuel and the church in Almuñécar are our mission partners. So now whenever we are praying for the people, we have faces to the names, we know a little more of the context, and we know what the church building is like. It has definitely helped bring our partnership to life!’
(Erin’s church ‘partners with the church Manuel Franco pastors in Almuñécar, Spain. This means that the Richhill Presbyterian Church is taking a special interest in this work and is trying to support the Spanish church in various ways, by praying, giving, visiting, etc. in a very meaningful, warm relationship. If you would like to explore a partnership with one of our missionaries and their church, please contact us at