James and Elaine Currie

James and Elaine Currie

James and Elaine are serving the Lord with Grace Community Church in Roscommon

James grew up in Northern Ireland and attended a Baptist church as a child but fell away in his teen years through to early adulthood. He began to go to church again following the death of his grandmother and prayed for God to save him. He grew in his faith and the Lord gave him a desire to serve in missions.

Elaine grew up in the west of Ireland in a Catholic home. In her twenties she was on an internship in New York where she heard the gospel and by the grace of God was saved.

James and Elaine met while doing evangelism and are now married with four young children. James works as an evangelist with Grace Community Church in Roscommon, not far from where Elaine grew up where he equips and leads the church in outreaches to the local community. He runs the youth group and is involved in preaching, teaching and discipleship in the local church. Elaine works in children's ministry teaching at the weekly kids club and she helps to run a home-school co-op for Christian home-schooling families.


Please pray for:

·        Wisdom for James as he leads the church in reaching the community through evangelism.

·        Salvation for the people of Roscommon as they hear the gospel proclaimed.

·        The youth group to grow in numbers and that the young people would find genuine faith in Jesus.

·        Elaine as she home-schools their children and serves in the kids club and co-op.

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