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Pray for Ukraine


As we look on in horror at the events unfolding in Ukraine and weep with its citizens, hundreds of thousands of refugees are fleeing to neighbouring countries. Many pastors have chosen to stay at their posts despite the danger, to care for the traumatised and terrified people who remain. The situation is deteriorating rapidly so there is an urgent need for God’s people here and across the world to intercede.

Please pray:

  • For Ukraine to remain as a sovereign nation with freedom for the gospel.
  • For the Ukrainian military and government, and civilians to have courage and stand firm.
  • For the various world leaders involved in diplomacy over Ukraine to act with wisdom and integrity.
  • For civilians who have been displaced and for families who have been separated to find shelter and safety.
  • For churches and Christians to be a faithful witness to the gospel, in word and deed.
  • For many Ukrainians and Russians to hear the gospel and trust in Christ.
  • For God’s supernatural protection over his people and for the Lord to be glorified in crushing the pride and plans of evil men.
  • For God to protect and prosper the work of EMF’s missionaries, Volodia & Oksana Kostyshyn and Vitalii & Liudmyla Mariash

Please pray for Vitalii & Liudmyla Mariash (Kyiv)

Vitalii & Liudmyla Mariash with Marianna and Mark

Vitalii is academic dean of Kyiv Theological Seminary, and co-pastor of a Baptist church in Kyiv. His wife Liudmyla travelled south west with the couple’s children Marianna and Mark last week, to take refuge in her relatives’ home in Chernivtsi; Vitalii has until now stayed in Kyiv, with the church he feels responsible for, but after leaving the city to be safe overnight on 24th February, he has found he is forbidden to return to the city. He has travelled with a friend down south, and has joined his family in Chernivtsi…only for a few hours, as Vitalii’s wife and children aim to leave for the safety of Romania tomorrow (Sunday 27th Feb)  He expects to have to enlist in the military. Vitalii wants to return to Kyiv, but is not sure if this is possible. The  Kyiv seminary was operating online, but is not functioning at all at the moment.

PRAY that :

  • The family may be comforted and upheld in the midst of this great trial of separation.
  • In the midst of this chaos (at the time of writing, it is predicted that Kyiv may fall very soon) Vitalii may soon know whether he can return to Kiev, and how he can serve his country and his church.
  • If he joins the armed resistance, Vitalii may be kept safe.
  • The students and staff of the  Kyiv Theological Seminary, the members of the church, and all the other believers in Kyiv, may be protected from the ravages of the expected violent onslaught.

Please pray for Volodymyr & Oksana Kostyshyn (Ternopil)

Volodia &Oksana Kostyshyn, and Zechariah and Oleksii

Volodymyr (Volodia) is married to Oksana, and the couple has two sons: Zechariah, who has severe health problems, and Oleksii. Volodia pastors the Grace Church (Baptist) in Ternopil, Western Ukraine, and also teaches in the Ternopil Biblical Seminary. The couple has an important ministry with disabled children in the area. We have just heard that refugees are now arriving at their church (and others in the town) for shelter, and Volodia and the rest of the congregation are trying to provide what they can for them. This burden falls mainly on Volodia, who already has to share the 24/7 care of his son Zechariah (who had a nasty seizure the very day the invasion began).


  • For a Ukrainian Orthodox neighbour of the Kostyshyns, who asked Volodia to pray with him before he left to go to the war zone.
  • That this family may be kept strong in the face of added pressures in their already stressful existence.
  • For the church there to find the resources needed to be able to help those who are desperately seeking urgent assistance.
  • That Zechariah may be kept well and that the family does not have to evacuate. This would be so difficult for them to do.

Please pray for Mihai and Irina Chisari (Chișinău, Moldova)

Mihai & Irina Chisari with, Delia and Elisa

Mihai is pastor of Imago Dei Baptist Church at Chișinău in Moldova and is married to Irina. They have two young daughters, Delia and Elisa. Their border with Ukraine has been inundated with refugees, and many have sought refuge in Chișinău (the capital city)itself. Mihai’s church is involved in the effort to give shelter, food and any other assistance to Ukrainians fleeing from the conflict in, for example, Odessa.


  • For resources to cope with the flood of refugees (the local council is sending more and more to Christian churches and organisations). Moldova is a poor country, but is being generous.
  • For strength and health, so that Irina and Mihai, already leading up a busy church, can assist these people in great need.
  • For Graeme and Bequi Innes, who work closely with Mihai, Irina and others, and who have taken refugees into their home, which is now overflowing.
  • For Christian witness to be full of love, integrity and clarity to the refugees, most of whom are not Christians.
Ukrainian refugees in Chișinău
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