Over the past 5 years, EMF’s missionaries in Moldova, Mihai and Irina Chisari, have been running a summer camp for children and young people.
On 28 July 2023, a post on EMF’s Facebook page drew attention to the fact that the camp this year was going ahead, but was short on finance. As ever, we were so touched by those supporters who instantly sent some funds over to help meet the shortfall (and grateful for the power and speed of social media!)
Take, for example, Churchtown Presbyterian Church in N. Ireland (interestingly, the home church of our very own Vivienne Birch). Mihai has visited the church there in the past, and they closely follow and support the work going on in Chisinau. The Sunday School and Bible class get involved too, with their mission project, where they fill Smarties tubes with coins to raise money. Sunday School superintendent Joanne Rowe says: “Filling Smarties tubes with coins is a good way to raise funds. It has become a popular way for the children to be involved in a mission project, and we find the wider congregation often joins in and collects coins for us also.”

They had raised £500 this way in the past year, and this money would have been going to Mihai’s work in September. But when they heard about the issues with the camp funds, they decided to send it sooner, so that it could be used for that specific purpose.

Mihai’s camp reached 76 young people this year, and his estimate is that 95% of these young people are not from Christian families. So when I asked him how he had felt about going ahead with these camps, knowing that there was a significant gap in funds, his answer was clear: while admitting that some anxiety was inevitable, he also said “On the other hand, we had the experience of previous years. Ps. 103:1-5 - we are encouraged in Scripture to not forget any of the blessings of our God. So this God proved Himself faithful already in our church multiple times, even though there were challenges - He provided everything needed.”

Confident both that God will supply their needs, and that the Word is never shared in vain, he firmly believes it was worth the risk. The meaningful conversations they were able to have with many of these young people, the professions of faith, and the increased number of young people attending the church since the camps, have all been such an encouragement to those involved.
Mihai went on to tell me that these camps have a special place in his heart, as it was in this way that many of the members of his church were reached with the Gospel. Most did not come from Christian homes, and were first exposed to the message of the Gospel in summer camps. In his own words, “This memory is the fuel for our perseverance, and we stand on His promises as well.”
What a wonderful work to be involved in. What wonderful promises to stand on. Praise God for how He has used the work of these camps. *And thanks again to all of you who responded and are continuing to respond to the need.
*We are aware that some of you might still love to help meet the need outlined in this article. If so, you can do so by going to the 'donate' page on the EMF website. Please indicate that your donation is for the Moldova camps, and be assured that any funds received in excess of what’s needed will go towards next year’s camp ministry.