Photo after photo after photo. Story after story after story. Tragedy after tragedy after tragedy. Sasha, the deacon from the 'Heart of Jesus' Evangelical Church in Chernivtsi who has been giving himself to delivering aid to people who are displaced, distressed, and often destitute, sends us photos every day. He (helped by a team that includes his wife Lesya, seen in a number of the photos below) goes out to villages and towns where needy folk are staying, but Sasha and his church also run a refugee centre in a school. It is impossible to publish all Sasha's photos, but we have produced a little compilation of some of the latest images. The comments are from Sasha as he tells us of some of the people they are helping. He reports: 'Some statistics for the period. From April 18 to May 1, 68 food packages were prepared, assistance was provided for 271 people. This is without taking into account the regular help in the shelter, at school.' May the Lord be pleased to bless this work. Many non-Christians are amongst those receiving aid, and Sasha says he has many opportunities to speak of the Lord Jesus.
Julia and her mother
'We are already bringing help to these women again. Julia (left), she has a serious illness. She and her mother came from Kyiv. They were looking for a cure and accidentally came to us. But we know that God does not have accidents. We gave them medicine and we are glad that we were able to talk with them about salvation and Jesus. And also deliver products.'
Recent arrivals in early April 2022
'Sasha is an engineer from Kyiv. A few days before the war, Sasha underwent heart surgery.
When the Russian army attacked Ukraine, Sasha was in the hospital waiting for the beginning of the rehabilitation process. However, he was forced to poke together with his family in a neighboring village, which is located 20 km from Kiev.
As soon as he was operated on, Sasha drove behind the wheel and drove the car with one hand. The first week of his rehabilitation he spent time in a bomb shelter. Volunteers helped him to get to Chernyvtsy, here they are safe, our team has repeatedly supported him with a lot of food and helped with transportation. Every Sunday Sasha goes to church with his family to find out that God's hand has always been over them and protected them!'
Sasha, the heart patient from Kyiv, with his family
'Made a small picnic for the Easter holiday for our friends living in the school. Good communication between church and people.'
The following pictures show how the church helped its guests to celebrate Easter.
Easter chocolate for the children staying at the refugee centre in the school
An Easter barbecue for refugees at the school used as a relief centre
'Family from Avdiivka. Christians. They were forced to move twice because of the war with the Donetsk region. We gladly helped them.'
'Victoria from Kharkov. (Lesya, Sasha's wife in centre) She came to Chernivtsi with her little daughter and sister. Their area of the city was badly damaged. The husband stayed at home, he provides water supply and repairs pipes literally under shelling. Her little daughter is very frightened by explosions and is even afraid to go outside. When she hears an air raid alarm, she tries to hide. We are glad that we visited them and were able to support them.
Victoria's little daughter wanted to say thank you with this heart (see photo above)
New arrivals in late April 2022. Svetlana from Kharkov, with Sasha's wife, Lesya
New arrivals in late April 2022 Katya with sister. From the Slavyansk, Donetsk region. They have 3 other children with them. Sasha on the right.
New arrivals in late April 2022 Olya is from Chernihiv, and Olya is from the Donetsk region.
Prayer Points
Please pray:
Pray for Sasha and the team distributing aid. For their safety in travel, and for health and strength to carry on.
Ask the Lord to give the team help as they try to speak about Gospel hope in Christ and minister to traumatised people
Pray for these traumatised, grieving people, who have lost everything. May they be comforted in every sense.
Pray for the churches in Chernivtsi. Various of them receive help from the EMF appeal funds, via Vitalii Mariash.