Sándor and Napsugár Kelemen

Sándor and Napsugár Kelemen

Sándor pastors the Hungarian-speaking Baptist Church in Viișoara, Transylvania, Romania.

Sándor was born and brought up in the province of Transylvania and converted when he was fourteen years of age. Since that time he has been involved in Gospel work. He studied with EMF in 1999, then at the London Theological Seminary, and finally at the Hungarian Baptist Seminary in Romania.

Napsugár was brought up in a Christian family; her father is a pastor, involved in church planting. The couple married in 2005. They have two daughters and two sons, the youngest born in January 2017.

Sándor joined EMF in 2004 when he started pastoral work in Târgu Mureș. During his service, he was involved in national youth work and was given responsibility for the pastorate of several surrounding churches until other pastors came to serve there. He was responsible for four congregations: in Lernut, in Idrifaia and a small mission station in Cinta, plus the church in Târgu Mureș. Sándor was also doing children's work amongst the Roma/Gypsy community in the area around Porumbeni.

Sándor is involved in radio ministry, and as part of this work he presents a programme every six weeks, which has the potential to reach the majority of the Hungarian counties in the region.

In September 2023 Sándor, Napsugár, and their children, moved to Viișoara, near the Hungarian border. Sándor is now pastoring the Hungarian Baptist Church in Viișoara.

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Meet our Missionaries: Sándor and Napsugár Kelemen

February 4, 2023
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Brief introduction to EMF Missionaries Sándor and Napsugár Kelemen who work amongst the Hungarian-speaking population of Romania
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