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North to South. East to west. The churches across Europe who are there for Ukrainian refugees


All over Europe, Evangelical churches have responded to the needs of Ukraine. Many of the nations have opened their doors to refugees, without imposing a host of visa complexities and without introducing unnecessary legal hurdles. Most of EMF's workers have therefore had some involvement in the relief effort, to a greater or lesser extent, because refugees are coming their way, and they are arriving in ever-more-remote areas.

It is hard to find an EMF missionary with absolutely no contact with Ukraininan refugees. It would take us more than just a short article to tell all their stories. So this is only a small selection of the reports that reach us each week.

The Czech Republic
Jan Habl

In the Czech Republic, Jan Habl comments: ‘‘Many things revolve around Ukraine these days - we cooperate with our city administration in organising collections of things for the refugees. I do not know the exact numbers, but there are more than 300,000 Ukrainian people in the Czech Republic. We do our best to help. I am disgusted by some of our populist politicians who are railing against refugees; they want us to hate Ukraine…Fortunately, they are in the minority, but still too loud.’  

John and Oline Taylor, Norway

in northern Norway, the church John and Oline Taylor attend in occasionally Målselv has been involved in sending a container of provisions to Ukraine , where they have contact with a particular church.
Little Ukrainian girls on their first Sunday in an Evangelical church in Spain
Our appeal funds have helped a family being supported by the Evangelical Church pastored by Luis Cano in Ciudad Real, Spain. The mother, whose husband is of course still in Ukraine, is heavily pregnant, and has four daughters between the ages of 4 and 17. The family  arrived with only the winter clothes they were wearing, finding that the temperatures were already climbing to over 30ºC and that the refugee centre they were sent to provides no clothes at all. These people are not Christians, but like many refugees around the churches we are in contact with all over Europe, they are attending church each week. In the photo the little girl on the left, who has no Spanish as yet, is trying to make herself understood (the other two in the foreground are the EMF mission director‘s granddaughters! 😊),while her sisters play in the background. She has never been in an Evangelical church before.
The group of displaced people supported by Antonio de Noia in Peschici, Italy

Antonio de Noia in Peschici, Italy, has been helping the town’s food bank to support Ukrainian refugees since the beginning of the war. He has particular responsibility for a group of eight people. He says ‘Now it has started to get hot in Peschici and they need some things, for example, a refrigerator, a washing machine, and a cot for the baby, which we will endeavour to acquire.With regards to the other 108 Ukrainians residing in Peschici, we give them basic necessities twice a month.'


A much-needed stove has arrived in Pericei
Over in Pericei, Romania, Anna and Pal Borzási carry on with their sterling work of support for displaced people. They were provided with a new stove (see attached photo) recently, bought with appeal funds, as the quantity of people they have to cater for requires a more industrial-scale appliance than the domestic cooker they were trying to cope with.

These are just a few of the many examples we hear about every day, stories where Christian love is in action, often towards people with no former contact with true Christianity. We pray on!

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Prayer Points

Prayer pointers:

  • Praise God for all the many Gospel opportunities our missionaries are enjoying as they minister to needy people
  • Thank the Lord for provision of aid, thanks in great part to the generosity of our supporters
  • Pray that workers may have the strength and grace to continue to minister in spite of their tiredness and the many demands upon them