Paulo Carvalho and his wife Patrícia serve in a church plant in Coimbra, in the central region of Portugal.
Paulo is part of the third generation of evangelical Christians in his family, a rare blessing in Catholic Portugal. Exposed to faithful gospel presentations since childhood, he came to a personal realisation of his need for Christ as a teenager. It was in his university years, as a result of knowing God better through His Word, with a CU staff worker, that he saw his faith blossoming in a way he didn't witness before. After finishing his Biology degree in Coimbra, he did one year of Theology at the 'Portuguese Bible Institute'. Later, he would go and live in London, where he did the Cornhill Training Course (Proclamation Trust) in London and was a Ministry Trainee at Grace Church Greenwich.
Patrícia was born into a nominal (and broken) Catholic family in Brazil. She sought answers about God and life from the nuns in her school. By God's grace, she was led to a gospel Baptist church where she professed faith, was baptised and began serving.
Now, they are married and living in Coimbra, the university city par excellence in Portugal. They are members of 'Igreja Evangélica emEiras' (Evangelical Church in Eiras) and are part of a church planting project, where Paulo is one of the leaders. The church plant, known as the 'Comunidadeda Graça' (Grace Community), seeks to reach the unreached in southern Coimbra, an area of 20,000 people, having new neighbourhoods with a blend of old people, young families and university students, and yet no faithful gospel presence. Coimbra needs a vision for healthy churches that plant churches, and ‘Igreja Evangélica em Eiras’ and ‘Comunidade da Graça’ want to be part of that.
Paulo also works part-time with the small church he grew up in: 'Igreja Evangélica em Tovim'. In addition, he is one of the founders of 'Associação Proclama', a trust that exists to train and equip preachers and Christians involved in any kind of Word ministry.
Patrícia is working full-time as a nurse, though she helps with Sunday school at 'Eiras' and they both lead a Youth Bible study group.
Please pray:
- For Paulo and Patrícia, as they seek to be good neighbours and witnesses of the gospel;
- For 'Comunidade da Graça', that many people would be reached by God's grace in this area;
- For Paulo, and the other elders Carlos and Joe, for all the planning and decisions that need to be made, that they would be given wisdom and discernment;
- For Christians that could be trained for full-time or part-time gospel ministry in Coimbra, and the surrounding region of central Portugal.