Evangelos Sikoutris (Patra)
1. For a clear proclamation of the gospel amidst religious confusion despite the strong opposition sometimes experienced.
2. Fora new generation of men who will preach the gospel and plant churches along NewTestament lines.
3. That such men might take up the work of those who have or will retire.
4. For our regular work of distributing our evangelistic newspaper, door to door work, correspondence courses and special evangelistic meetings four times a year.
5. For new jobs for many of our unemployed young people that they might not have to leave the country.
Leonidas Kollaros (Ioannian)
We have always had students in our church as our city has a university. Our responsibility is to look after these young people we dearly love and affectionately regard them as our chicks! They are at a critical age, at a crossroads, and these are formative years as to their future direction. In our teaching, we try to give them a good grounding in the Faith. They are the future generation of believers who will hold key positions in society.
1. For our university students that they would remain faithful to the Lord and his gospel.
2. For our church to be more welcoming to new comers.
3. For unconverted husbands.
4. For the distribution of copies of the New Testament this summer.
5. For those in our church struggling with serious illness.