
Pray for the cities of Barcelona and Madrid and for the 345 cities and towns of over 5000 people where there is no evangelical church.

Like many countries in the Western world, Spain is something of a paradox when it comes to religion: it is still very religious, but is getting more secular every day.

Belief in Islam is growing and there are now more than one million Muslims in Spain. Most are immigrants from North Africa but it is estimated that there are thirty thousand converts from the Spanish population, too. Evangelical Christianity is also growing, albeit very modestly. Spanish-speaking evangelical Christians from South America coming to live and work in Spain are enhancing church congregations. Some local people are being converted and added to churches. To a generation of people disillusioned with false religion and secularism, Gospel churches have a real opportunity to proclaim the truth.


Professing Christian 77.5%, Evangelical 1.35%

missionaries in


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Pray for a spiritual stirring that will move the nation.