Telephone calls about how much a van costs in Germany and whether it can be driven to Ukraine as soon as possible, emails asking how many generators we can source in the Netherlands, Whatsapp messages about where underwear can be purchased quickly for Ukrainian refugees in Moldova, questions about printing costs of Russian Bibles in Poland, or how rice can be cooked faster if a better stove can be delivered to helpers in Romania…The office staff involved in the administration of the EMF Ukraine appeal funds have been involved in conversations that they could never have imagined having just a few short weeks ago.
Never in our wildest dreams could any of us have imagined that the modest appeal for funds to help our workers in Ukraine and the surrounding countries would be responded to in such a wonderful way. We can only praise God for this amazing response from so many whose hearts have been touched by the huge needs and the deep distress of the people of Ukraine. But of course handling the funds that have flooded in has been a huge challenge, and we wanted to do this before the Lord with integrity and wisdom.
Martin Tatham, heading up the EMF working group for the Ukraine crisis
Within days of the appeal beginning, EMF’s mission director Andrew Birch asked Martin Tatham, our churches coordinator in mainland UK, to head up a kind of little task force, and to use his remarkable gifts to organise the administration of the appeal funds. We are a small mission, with a tiny office staff, and the jobs that needed doing seemed daunting. How would we cope with extra work? The responsibility of handling these funds wisely and of getting the resources to those needing it sat heavily upon us all. Yet the Lord has amply supplied our needs. Volunteers have appeared, the current office staff have worked overtime, and we have been able to use funds set aside for such a time as this to employ an extra admin. worker to help with the ‘Cross Connect Ukraine’ scheme , which sets out to help link Christian families to incoming Ukrainian refugees.
The map (you can see a more interactive version if you press the ‘map’ tab here)shows just how widely the aid has been distributed. Two important and well-organised hubs which local Evangelical churches have set up in western Ukraine (in Chernivtsi and Ternopil, respectively) have been working tirelessly to form networks of trustworthy beneficiaries; these places have managed to deliver aid/ run refugee-reception centres efficiently, with remarkable speed and admirable integrity. Some of the causes supported are also rescuing people escaping the horrors of war-torn eastern Ukraine. So here are (just a very few) pictures of the vans and lorries we have spoken about. You can see a small selection of the supplies that you, our faithful supporters, have helped to deliver to those who need it, and the faces of some of the amazing people who are working all hours of the day and night to serve others with the love of Christ
Sasha and Lesya, from the Sertse Isusa church In Chernivtsi, have been playing a vital role in delivering supplies (see images below)to needy families who have fled unspeakable horrors. This work was recommended to us by EMF's Vitalii and Liudmyla Mariash
Sasha, the hard-working deacon in the 'Heart of Jesus' church, uses his little van to deliver dozens of packages every week to towns around Chernivtsi, where people have fled to, as well as to a refugee centre his church runs in a school granted to them by the Chernivtsi town council. See video
Gennadij's story is amazing. More details of his work in the warzone here
In Peschichi, Italy, EMF missionary Antonio de Noia has been delivering food and other goods, as well as Christian literature, to Ukrainian refugees, He has worked in conjunction with the town's food bank.
Anna and Pál Borzási (Pericei, Romania),pictured here (far right)with the first group of refugees, have been buying huge quantities of clothing for shipment to Moldova, where supplies are limited.
In Poland, EMF workers Dawid Koziol and Krzysztof Rutowski have been coordinating the printing and distribution of Bibles, New Testaments and litertaure (in the photo, packets full of 'Ultimate Questions' by John Blanchard in Ukrainian and Russian) Our workers on the ground are crying out for more literature, and the logistics are not easy at times.
Staislaw Marek ('Staslek') from the Zagórma 10 Evangelical Church in Warsaw, Poland, whose refugee 'relocation point' is being supported by appeal funds, took this van loaded with goods to the desperate and war-torn city of Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine. The centre in the middle of Warsaw is coordinated by Aleksandra Cybula ('Ola'), who is in the photo at the top of this article and who is the sister of EMF missionary Adam Urban
There are the shipments arriving in Ternopil, (where EMF's Volodia and Oksana Kostyshyn minister)where an enthsiastic group of highly-organised workers are ready to unload and distribute loads from Poland (Lublin) and the Netherlands. The Netherlands shipment was made up of generators, washing machines and non-prescription medicines. The Polish shipment contained food, hygiene products, bedding, and so on.
Vans and lorries galore!
In Moldova, this is how the vans were many destitute refugees were helped as they entered this poor country and found love and compassion in the Imago Dei church in Chisinau, where EMF's Mihai Chisari is pastor.
The van has gone to the Ukraine border, to train stations, to bus stations, to government offices, and to supermarkets and warehouses, picking up refugees, purchasing and delivering needful supplies of food, clothing, toiletries and so on.
This work in Zaporizhzhia was recommended to us by EMF's Polish worker Dawid Koziol. This city is now a key centre for getting refugees out and for getting supplies in to those who cannot flee.
Prayer Points
Please pray:
for wisdom for Martin and his team as they try to administer funds with wisdom, ensuring that they reach the people who need it quickly but with safety and security guarantees.
for the Lord to use the literature being sent, so that many will understand the gospel.
for the workers involved to be kept strong, and that they may get the rest they need.
for supplies to be protected, and for them not to fall into the 'wrong' hands.